This spring join our US-El Salvador labor solidarity efforts!


Today, Salvadoran workers are fighting hard against sweeping US-backed, privatization legislation called the Public-Private Partnership Law, while US workers are fighting the corporate welfare state here in the US. In this critical moment to support workers' rights, union jobs and public services around the globe, CISPES is working hard to reinforce historic Salvadoran-US labor relationships and build new ones. Cross-border solidarity is essential to push back against the US government-transnational corporate alliance seeking to sell the workers, residents and resources of both our countries down the river.

 National Labor Solidarity Tour

In February, two leaders of El Salvador’s organized labor movement will tour the US to share experiences and strategies in the transnational fight for workers’ rights. They will discuss their current campaign against the US-sponsored Public-Private Partnership Law (P3), which threatens to put the last of El Salvador’s public services and industries on the corporate chopping block. Get more background on the P3 with this video and factsheetFollow the tour on Twitter and Facebook!

Jaime Rivera, leader of the historic Electrical Utility Workers Union, (STSEL) will tour the East Coast. Click here for a speaker's bio and updated tour event info.

  • DC - February 3-5
  • New York City - February 6-7
  • Boston - February 8-9
  • Philadelphia - February 11

Alex Gomez, Treasurer of the Federation of Public Sector Workers (FESTRASPES), will tour the West Coast. Click here for a speaker's bio and updated tour event info.

  • Seattle – February 3-4
  • Olympia, WA – February 5
  • Portland, OR – February 6
  • Santa Cruz, CA – February 7-8
  • San Francisco – February 9-11
  • Los Angeles – February 12-13

Email [email protected] or [email protected] if your union or labor organization is interested in solidarity action with Salvadoran unions. Several unions and labor councils have already passed resolutions to support Salvadoran labor movement mobilizing against the P3. These are first of many more labor solidarity commitments to come out of February's Labor Tour!

 Sign on to stand with Salvadoran workers against Washington's privatization push!

Sign this online petition today to denounce the US strong-arm tactics to force the P3 or Public-Private Partnership Law in El Salvador.  We made a splash when we delivered the first 1,000 names to the US Embassy in El Salvador- help us get to 2,000 in time for the May Day delegation!

 Join the May Day Labor Solidarity Delegation to El Salvador!

Download a flyerinfosheet and application // Email [email protected] for more information.

Dates: April 27 - May 4, 2013. Who is invited: Union members and officers, labor activists and allies, and EVERYONE interested in supporting El Salvador's rank-and-file, progressive labor movement. What you will do:
  • Share strategies to defend the public sector and union jobs with Salvadoran union leaders.
  • Speak out against US economic and political intervention.
  • Learn about labor organizing and building popular power under the country’s FIRST leftist government.
  • Take to the streets with over 75,000 workers on International Workers’ Day!

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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