Act Now to Stop Expansion of CAFTA Model


Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chair of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, has moved forward and scheduled a vote on dangerous and undemocratic Fast Track legislation for tomorrow. Please call your representative today and tell them to vote NO on Fast Track.

Supporters of this legislation, which would rush the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), or “NAFTA on steroids,” through Congress, still don’t have enough votes to pass it.

But President Obama, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), and Rep. Ryan are pulling out all the stops, calling and meeting with every single congressional office to try to round up enough votes.

That’s why it is so important that you call your representative today. We can stop Fast Track, but only if we take action now!

The TPP represents a major expansion of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) like CAFTA and NAFTA, which for the past two decades have proven disastrous for the majority of people while lining the pockets of transnational corporations.

In El Salvador, CAFTA devastated the agricultural sector and caused food prices to skyrocket. It also created the framework that allowed mining company Pacific Rim (now Oceana Gold) to sue El Salvador for hundreds of millions of dollars in a secretive World Bank tribunal because the Salvadoran people and their government rejected a proposed mining project that would have contaminated the country’s limited clean water sources.

It’s urgent that those of us who’ve been paying attention to the devastation that free trade policies have already caused in Latin America don’t allow politicians to gloss over the disastrous legacy of CAFTA and NAFTA. Take action and call your Congressional Representative today.

Call 888-804-8311 to get put in touch with your Representative’s office (you only need to know your zip code). For more, check out this call script made by our friends at Witness for Peace.

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