Please join us in welcoming CISPES to their new office in Washington, D.C.


Please join us in welcoming CISPES to their new office in Washington, D.C. this Thursday, September 13 at 6:00

What: A PARTY!

When: Thursday, September 13 at 6:00 p.m.

Where: St. Stephen's Church - Second Floor, 1525 Newton st. NW, Washington, DC. 20010  (Columbia Heights Metro, Green Line is the closest) Snacks and wine will be provided.  Feel free to bring other beverages, and your checkbook or pocket change to help cover CISPES moving costs.

The good folks at CISPES picked August: the hottest, muggiest month of the year to move D.C.  Now that they've recovered, we are going to help them break in the new office and kick off their fall organizing. Come help us celebrate our friends and see the new digs.

See you Thursday!


(on behalf of the welcoming committee:)

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