El Salvador’s First Lady And Head of Social Inclusion Joins FMLN Campaign


On Sunday, January 19, El Salvador’s first lady and Minister of Social Inclusion, Vanda Pignato announced at a press conference that she would be joining the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front’s (FMLN) 2014 presidential campaign. Pignato expressed her active support for Salvador Sánchez Cerén and Óscar Ortiz, the FMLN presidential and vicepresidential candidate respectively, stating that the FMLN is the only party in the running that would assure the continuity of the sweeping social reforms implemented by Mauricio Funes’ government.

The move has real potential to sway voters and increases the likelihood of an FMLN victory, according to political analysts. Pignato, as board member for the Salvadoran Institute for Women’s Development and the emblematic face of Ciudad Mujer (Women’s City), is widely recognized and respected as a women’s rights campaigner in El Salvador. She is a highly popular political figure, particularly among women benefitted by Ciudad Mujer’s multiple social services, and therefore, could be a decisive factor in bringing in undecided votes for the FMLN on election day, this Sunday February 2nd.

Expanding on her decision to join the campaign, Pignato had this to say, “I didn’t settle into my position [as first lady] to be a formal, decorative figure or out of inertia or vanity […] When I accepted my charge as Minister I promised myself I’d devote each day of my life to serve the women of El Salvador and defend their dignity […] I am convinced that of all existing campaign platforms, the FMLN’s is the only one that guarantees that Ciudad Mujer as well as the rest of this government’s social programs continue.”

As the newest and most prominent member of Sánchez Ceren’s campaign team, Pignato gave a rousing speech at yesterday’s end of campaign season rally, encouraging voters still on the fence to cast their ballot for the FMLN, saying, “It’s the most sensible choice.” Pignato is expected to hold her own rally expressing support for the FMLN on Tuesday, January 28th.

Keep up with the action during campaign season and on Election Day by following our El Salvador Elections Blog and looking out for the #ESdecision2014 hashtag and following us on Twitter.

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