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“You are the true ambassadors of the United States, demonstrating your solidarity and commitment to accompany our people as we move forward as a country.” You can’t imagine how humbled I was to hear these words from El Salvador’s Vice-President, Salvador Sánchez-Cerén, as he welcomed our brigade of students and teachers to El Salvador, the FIRST international delegation to support the National Literacy Program. Weeks later, our brigade of nurses, PAs, and public health professionals laced up their hiking boots to accompany health promoters and nurses from El Salvador’s new Community Health Teams as they delivered free health care to the most remote doorsteps in the country. We’ve been offered an exciting opportunity to build on this success – a generous donor will match all on-line contributions before October 9th to help us hire new field organizers! Will you make a generous donation today? Our allies told us that most important thing we could do was to share their vision for a new, egalitarian, and democratic society here in the United States. In the words of Dr. Peñate of the Ministry of Health: “Tell them that here in El Salvador, there is a people - a small people but a people that is struggling and working to make a new El Salvador possible.” That’s why the students, nurses, and teachers who just got back from El Salvador are hitting their local airwaves, newspapers, college classrooms and community centers to share the inspiring changes under El Salvador’s first leftist government. Your donation today will help us hire the field organizers we need to channel all of the excitement of this summer into a strong solidarity movement. Every dollar will be matched up to $5,000! If there’s any question that our solidarity is needed, just listen to these Senators and Representatives who threatened to cut international aid to El Salvador as part of an international smear campaign against the FMLN. But we know that people like you – and thousands more – will take action defend El Salvador’s progress from international interference. The Vice-President’s words were meant for you, too. If we can raise $5,000 in the next two weeks, we can count on $10,000 towards hiring new organizers. We are looking for 100 people to donate $50 – will you make a tax-deductible gift today? Thank you for your support! En solidaridad, Lisa Fuller, CISPES Program Director P.S. This is a critical moment for US solidarity to support the changes in El Salvador. Please make a tax-deductible contribution today to help support new organizers on the ground!

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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