Join CISPES and the Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) at the United States Social Forum II


June 22-26, 2010 in Detroit, MI


The United States Social Forum II (USSF) is an on-goingprocess to “to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the economic andecological crisis. The USSF is the next most important step in our struggle tobuild a powerful multi-racial, multi-sectoral, inter-generational, diverse,inclusive, internationalist movement that transforms this country and changeshistory.”

                        CISPES?will be participating in theUSSF as part of the LASC, the Latin America Solidarity Coalition , and we hopeyou will too! We are hoping to offer international and interdisciplinaryworkshops that will address such topics as: effective grassroots organizingmodels, cross-border struggles to resist criminalization and militarization,and how alternative economic and social models being developed in Latin Americacan strengthen demands for economic justice within the U.S.

                        Ifyou or an organization that you are a part of would like to collaborate on aworkshop or help ensure a strong Latin America solidarity presence to the USSF,please visit or contact Alexis at [email protected] . (More about workshops here: ).   If youare interested in attending the USSF or joining local mobilizations in yourarea, please visit   


“If another world ispossible, another U.S. is necessary!”

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