Release: Members of US Congress Express Concern About Terrorism Charges Against Suchitoto Prisoners

Press Release

Letters sent to Salvadoran President Antonio Saca before possible trail set to begin for "Suchitoto 13"


Members of the United States Congress this week sent letters to the President of El Salvador expressing concern for the state of human rights and civil liberties in that country. The letters are in response to charges of terrorism that are being applied to 13 individuals arrested at a protest against water privatization in the town of Suchitoto on July 2, 2007. These charges were made under a 2006 "Special Law Against Acts of Terrorism" that was strongly supported by the U.S. Embassy in San Salvador. The Salvadoran government is set to present its evidence in the case to a special terrorism tribunal, also established by the 2006 law, on Friday, February 8.

The letters were sent by Congressional Representatives, among them Michael Capuano of Massachusetts, Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania, Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, and Michael Michaud of Maine. Several of the letters sent this week refer to a similar letter signed by 40 members of Congress in response to the Suchitoto case in August 2007.

In his February 5 letter to President Antonio Saca, Congressman Michael Michaud states his "concern regarding the human rights situation in El Salvador with respect to the case of those arrested in Suchitoto and charged with acts of terrorism." With the legal case against the "Suchitoto 13" set go move forward this week, Congressman Michaud expresses his "hope that the actions of the Salvadoran government reflect the values of free political expression, civil liberties and the rule of law."

Numerous human rights organizations, both in El Salvador and on the international level, denounced the Salvadoran government's treatment of the Suchitoto prisoners and the terrorism charges themselves. In a July 13,2007, statement, Amnesty International said it "fears that those concerned were arrested to punish them for their involvement in legitimate acts of protest and to prevent similar such acts in the future." The report goes on to state that "any charges that impair the lawful exercise of fundamental rights should be dropped and anyone facing such charges should be released."

U.S.-based solidarity organizations have also called for the terrorism charges to be dropped. A national "week of action" to draw attention to the issue was carried out around the United States in January. Sponsors of the week of action included the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities, and the SHARE Foundation. According to Burke Stansbury, Executive Director of CISPES, "as organizations that work in solidarity with the Salvadoran social movement, we have a responsibility to work against repression in El Salvador, especially when that repression is supported and encouraged by the United States."

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