What We Do

Through grassroots organizing and action, CISPES leads strategic, national campaigns to stop US economic, political and military intervention in El Salvador. By hosting speaking tours of Salvadoran social movement leaders in the US and bringing delegations to El Salvador, we educate people in the US about the real impacts of US foreign policy and create opportunities to build cross-border solidarity.

The driving force of our work is to accompany the Salvadoran popular movement as it organizes to build a just alternative to corporate globalization. We support organizations at the forefront of this struggle through direct material aid. 

Meet some of the sustainers who power our work!

"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

Join Padre Carlos by becoming a sustaining donor to CISPES today!

Recent Posts

International elections observers captured images of what appear to be new ballots being counted for the legislative elections (Photo: CIS)

The Feminist Assembly protests electoral fraud with pots and pans on Monday night in San Salvador (photo: YSUCA Radio)