Action Alert: Honduras Military Coup


updated LASC alert here

CISPES joins the Alliance for Global Justice, SOA Watch, and othermembers of the Latin America Solidarity Coalition in denouncing today'scoup in Honduras.  CISPES committees are joining rallies at consulatesaround the country to demand the reinstatement of the democraticallyelected Honduran president.

Call the State Department and the White House!

Demand that they call for the immediate reinstatement of Honduran President Zelaya.

State Department: 202-647-4000 or 1-800-877-8339
White House: Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Here are statements by other members of the Organization of AmericanStates

Check out updates from Rights Action
Eva Golinger's article "
Obama's First Coup D'etat" 

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