
3days left ACT NOW Call your represantative today

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Start Time: Monday, March 2, 2009 at 12:00am
End Time: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 11:55pm
Location: United States Congress Representatives
Street: everywhere USA
Phone: 213-700-2460
Email: [email protected]


Support Representatives Raul Grijalva (Arizona) and Marcy Kaptur's (Ohio) letter to President Obama on the Elections in El Salvador

We thank the 14 members of Congress that have already signed on to the Letter to President Obama. They include the; Hon. Charles Rangel- Chair of Ways and Means (NY), Hon. Nidia Velasquez- Chair of the Hispanic Caucus (NY), Hon. Xavier Becerra - Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus (CA), Hon. Linda Sanchez (CA), Hon. Jose Serrano (NY), Hon. McDermott (WA), Hon. Sam Farr (CA), Hon.. Danny Da vis (IL), Hon. Bob Filner (CA), Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA), Hon. Keith Ellison (MN), Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY) WE STILL NEED MORE Representatives.... CA we need your help calling: Maxine Waters, and Barbara Lee,Lynn Woolsley - Co Chair of Progressive Caucus


California Representatives we need to urge to sign on: Diane Watson, Grace Napolitano, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Lucille Royball- Allard, Lois Capps, Michael Honda, Henry Waxman, Doris Matsui, Joe Baca, Jane Harman, Brad Sherman, Lynn Woolsley, George Miller, Pete Stark, Laura Richardson New York Representatives: Yvette Clarke, John Hall, Carolyn Maloney, Jerrold Nadler, Louise Slaughter, Gregory Meeks, Steve Israel, Joseph Crowley, Edolphus Towns Maryland Representatives: Elijah Cummings, Donna F. Edwards, Chris Van Hollen Virginia: Rep. James P. Moran Illinois Representatives: Hon. Luis Gutierrez, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Phil Hare, Bobby Rush, Jan Schakowsky. Many other Representatives in other states need to contacted as well.

This letter calls for the United States government to maintain neutrality with respect to El Salvador's March 15 presidential election, and affirms that the U.S. should seek a positive relationship with whichever candidate who is elected democratically by the Salvadoran people. It also calls for Fair and Transparent Elections in light of reports by reputable organizations such as the Organization of American States and the European Union Observation Team whom reported serious irregularities in the last Municipal and Legislative elections in January 2009. The letter to President Obama has emerged in light of efforts by the ruling party, ARENA, to manipulate the official foreign policy of the United States toward El Salvador for partisan ends. Groups tied to the ARENA government are airing irresponsible TV ads and spewing false statements in the mass media stating that Salvadorans in the United States will be deported, that remittances will be halted and that relations with the United States will deteriorate if the opposition wins the election.

For a call script and more information about the letter go to: ction

If your representative's office agrees to make a statement or co-sponsor the letter, ask for the contact information of the person that the letter should be sent to. Then contact Esther Portillo at 909-645-2050 or [email protected] to pass on the contact information and Representative's name. We will follow up with that Representative..


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