Stop the Suits: Support CISPES' New Anti-Mining Campaign!
With a little over 100 days in office, the first leftist government inSalvadoran history can already point to many notable achievements.Through social initiatives, such as the legalization of over 1,000 landtitles to campesinos, FMLN President Mauricio Funes holds a stunning70-80% approval rating.
But attacks from North American corporations threaten to slowprogressive change in favor of poor and working people in El Salvador.Two mining corporations, backed by the United States Free TradeAgreement-CAFTA are attempting to extort over 177 million dollars fromthe Salvadoran government. To help CISPES stop these greedy miningcorporations, click here to donate to our grassroots campaign.
The Salvadoran people have taken a stand against dangerousenvironmental impacts of gold extraction, including the contaminationof sources of clean drinking water and devastation to localagriculture. In fact, the mining resistance in El Salvador has been sostrong that the people successfully forced the Salvadoran government tocut off permits to two North American mining corporations, Pacific Rimand Commerce Group for failing to meet the country’s environmentalstandards.
In the wake of these victories, however, community organizers leading this movement have faced increased violent repression, including assassinations, torture, and death threats. Watch a short film on the death of mining activist Marcelo Rivera here.
But it doesn’t end there. Now these transnational companies are suing the Salvadoran government under the private investor’s chapter of CAFTA, the Central American Free Trade Agreement, for over $177 million dollars.
Their claim? “Lost profits.”
That is why CISPES is launching a campaign to stop the lawsuits and end CAFTA!
We kicked off the campaign last week, as CISPES activists around the country led demonstrations and teach-ins during the our Week of Action against NAFTA and CAFTA.
* We took to the streets right in front of Pacific Rim Headquarters in Vancouver and demanded they drop their unfair lawsuit. (Click here to echo the call!)
* Joined with allied groups to call for the re-negotiation or repudiation CAFTA and NAFTA, bringing our demands to President Obama during his visit to San Francisco
* Pushed Congress to take action on human rights abuses and unfair trade policy that put profit over people. Ten Representatives are already working on a letter to El Salvador’s new Attorney General to demand an investigation into the murder of Marcelo Rivera!
* Hosted a delegation of social movement leaders from El Salvador’s largest anti-mining coalition and raised over $1200 for their communities’ struggles. (click here to watch activists receive the prestigious Letelier-Moffit Human Rights award in Washington DC).
But this is just the beginning of CISPES’s Stop the Suits campaign. Our goal is to send 2,000 postcards to Pacific Rim CEO Thomas Shrake by the end of the year and meet with Congressional Representatives in every district where we have committees to push them to take action on free trade agreements. We know this is a big undertaking and long-term fight, but El Salvador’s political and economic transformation depends on it.
Through our cross-border movement, dedicated organizers and members, and the support of donors like you we can make it happen. We need to raise $5,000 by December 1st to launch these first phases of our campaign; will you donate $100 to help us reach our goal?
P.S. After years in retreat, the right in Latin America, with the help of U.S. corporations, is once again on the march. We must not let them turn back the people’s advances in El Salvador. Please donate at our website today so we can continue to support the people’s struggles!
It is easy and secure to donate to our grassroots campaign, just click here.