Ode to Neoliberalism, by Hurricane Gomez


to all CISPES' companer@s to reinforce your commitment.if youwould like to publish.It is up to you.

Odeto Neoliberalism


A choir of charlatans

mouthpieces of Washington

proclaiming to a the thousand winds

"The Democracy of the free market."


A well known hallmark of the imperial  house

giving cosmetic solutions

to the poorest  of the poor

tele-sending emergency capsules

to all corners of the World.

Economic project of values in bankruptcy

to puppet governments.

Born in the belly of dust of

Christian Western Civilization

lies dying in an under nourished condition

in the black market.

The Dealer of  hunger

still continues in the white house

now, surrounded by a thousand insurgent bones

with a war stance 

during  widespread poverty.

The freedom of expression

is an impostor of free trade

distributing  miseries and

holding us prisoners of

the so called market democracy.



---Hurricane Gomez.


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