Progressive Human Rights Lawyer Chosen as New Human Rights Ombudsman


On Friday, August 9, progressive human rights lawyer David Morales was elected to the position of Human Rights Ombudsman of El Salvador by the National Legislative Assembly. The office was created as part of the 1992 Peace Accords that ended the country’s 12-year civil war and serves as platform for the public investigation of and advocacy for human rights nation-wide. Salvador Sánchez Cerén expressed satisfaction with Morales’ election, saying that, “he is a person with vast experience and is very committed to democracy.” Morales’s qualifications include his service in the Archdiocese’s human rights office, Tutela Legal, carrying the case of Archbishop Oscar Romero’s assassination by right-wing death squads before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. He also worked for the progressive legal non-profit organization FESPAD. Morales, who will serve a three-year-term, was elected with votes from all parties of the Legislative Assembly, save the right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA).

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