Building a movement with CISPES: CR10 conference, LASC pressuring Obama, and coalitions towards 2009


In this immensely important year for ElSalvador, CISPES has been responding to human rightsviolations and supporting organizing in El Salvador leading up to the2009 elections. But we've alsomaintained our commitment to building a movement in the U.S. bystrengthening relationships and coalitions with other partner organizationsfighting for social justice.

  • Representatives of CISPES fromthe Bay Area and WashingtonDC are participating in the CR10 conference this weekend, celebrating 10 years ofCritical Resistance's movement to abolish the prison industrial complex. CISPESwill be presenting a workshop titled "Cross Border Resistance to StateTerrorism" on Friday, September 26. You can more info about theworkshop here and more information about Critical Resistance and the movement tochallenge the prison industrial complex at

  • The LatinAmerica Solidarity Coalition , of which CISPES is a member of the coordinatingcommittee, has begun pressuring the campaign of Barack Obama aroundhis foreign policy relating to Latin America.

According tothe letter, "As you well know, the nations [of LatinAmerica], their cultures, and their political-economicsituations are complex. As you also know, over the years the UShas made mistakes, many of which have threatened our own goals ofhelping to develop good feelings about our country among the peoplethemselves, helping true democracies to develop, eliminating humanrights abuses by the militaries that the US supports and trains, andencouraging strong economies and trade." The letter thenlays out 11 points that the Coalition believes should be part ofObama's position towards Latin America, including the closing of theInternational Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in San Salvador. You can downloadthe letter at:
  • Finally, CISPES is working with a national coalitionof solidarity groups concerned about the upcoming elections in El Salvador. Along with the SHARE Foundation, US-ElSalvador Sister-Cities, and Voices on theBorder, we have started a Free and FairElections in El Salvador Blog. Check it out and expect moreupdates and information soon related to our campaign against USintervention in the 2009 Salvadoran elections.

To get involved in CISPES movement buildingefforts:

  • checkout our fall tour coming to the U.S. from November 5 22. More info soon to come at

  • ifyoure in the WashingtonDC area you can support theCISPES/Critical Resistance SolidarityCyclers bike ride, or find out iftheres a local chapter doing work in your city.
  • ifyoure already part of a local solidarity organization, join thecampaign for REAL democracyin El Salvadorand get involved in our Coalition to SupportFree and Fair elections aswell as theLASC. Contact CISPESat (202) 521 2510 for more information.

We hope you can join us in these effortsand keep up the struggle for justice in ElSalvador AND the United States!

-The CISPES National Office

PS:Wed also appreciate your financial support - go hereto make a tax-deductible donation to CISPES today.

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