Support CISPES in countering U.S. intervention and promoting free and fair elections in El Salvador


In June, CISPES led a Fact-Finding Delegation to El Salvador where thedelegates learned that all eyes are already on the upcoming 2009Presidential electionincluding the Bush Administrations! Clickhereto supportCISPES NOW and help us build solidarity for the Salvadoranstruggle at this crucial moment.

The delegations specific findings will soon be revealed in anextensive report; for now, you can go here to take the PeoplesPledgefor free and fair elections in El Salvador!

As CISPES solidarity prepares for 2009, a few things we know forcertain:

El Salvador is ripe for change:

? the social movement and FMLN are solidly united behind thecandidacy of Mauricio Funes for president and Salvador Sanchez Cerenfor vice president after a triumphant recent convention (see photoofFunes at the convention on August 17.)

? the population as a whole is fed up with the right-wing ARENApartys corporate-oriented economic program
? recent pollsshow the FMLN ticket ahead by anywhere from 7 to21 points!

Meanwhile ARENA is using varied program of dirty tacticsin a desperate effort to hold onto power:
? ARENA has refused to implement recommendations of the Organizationof American States to reform the electoral process
? They have threatened seriousrestrictions on the activities ofinternational electoral observers
? They have removed ballot-counting regulations that prevent ballotbox stuffing
? Humanrights advocates have noted an alarming rise in murders ofpolitical activists which the National Civilian Police refuse toinvestigate seriously

Despite the assurance of Ambassador Charles Glazer tonot intervene in the elections, the U.S. is at this very moment waginga propaganda war in support of ARENA:

? U.S. Deputy Secretary of State JohnNegroponte and the Ambassadorhave both linked the FMLN to the FARC rebels of Colombia.
? Ambassador Glazer also publicly endorsed claims by journalists ata right wing newspaper that an FMLN victory would lead to attacks onpress freedom
? The International Republican Institute (IRI), funded by theNational Endowment for Democracy and headed by John McCain, gavePresident Saca its Freedom Award last fall .

The delegates are currently hard at work producing their fact-findingreport, which will be the basis of CISPESs Defend Real DemocracyCampaign. Our campaign will counter U.S. attempts at intervening whilesupporting the Salvadoran peoples desire for free and fair electionsin 2009. Clickhere to see the Delegations press release about statements made by theU.S. ambassador regarding past and present U.S. interference inelections.

As part of the campaign their findings have already sparked muchattention in the media (clickhere to hear some recent radio interviews by CISPES delegates).

Join the campaign, demand that the US respect ElSalvadors politicalprocess, and help insure that the will of the Salvadoran people will beheard!

sign the pledge to oppose US intervention at
sign up to receive email updates and alerts here
Join an electoral observer delegationclickhere for details

And help insure that CISPES can carry this campaign through to theendmakean online gift today!

In Solidarity,

Burke Stansbury, CISPES Executive Director

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