A special message from the government of El Salvador


CISPES is gearing up for a summer of solidarity, with two youth brigades headed to El Salvador at the end of June. We were proud to receive the following letter from the Director of El Salvador's National Literacy Program and to hear that we made a real contribution in El Salvador last summer. Please make a contribution of your own today so we can give this year's delegates the same opportunity – we've got less than a week to meet our $10,000 goal for scholarships! To our North American allies: Last summer, we were thrilled to welcome the first delegation of international volunteers to support El Salvador’s National Literacy Program. That delegation had a big impact here in El Salvador – from press coverage that raised awareness of our successes to motivating our hardworking students and volunteer teachers. In fact, it was such a success that we asked other organizations in the US and Canada to bring their own delegations this summer, too! In just a few weeks, we will proudly welcome the next group of CISPES volunteers, as the National Literacy Program is one of the best demonstrations of this government’s commitment to creating equality, which we believe is fundamental to building any true democracy. CISPES has accompanied the struggles of our people and our advances to win economic and social justice for over 30 years. Thank you for your continued solidarity, now and in the challenging months ahead. Our friends on the front lines are counting on us to continue supporting transformative initiatives like the National Literacy Program.  Can we count on your support to send committed young people to El Salvador at the end of this month? Click here to make secure, tax-deductible donation today.

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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