Government of El Salvador Warns Against 'Movement for a Coup'


This article was written by CISPES Executive Director Alexis Stoumbelis, and was originally published online by TeleSur English.

El Salvador's left-wing Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party administration has denounced a right-wing destabilization campaign seeking to oust the democratically elected government of President Salvador Sánchez Cerén.

Speaking on the President’s weekly radio show, “Governing with the People,” on July 18, Communications Secretary Eugenio Chicas warned that "the country's right wing, and presumably the [Nationalist Republican Alliance] ARENA party — they will have to clarify it — have launched a campaign on social media" that "seeks to transfer destabilization campaigns that have been undertaken in Ecuador, in Venezuela, and in other countries" to El Salvador.

El Salvador's Auxiliary archbishop Monseñor Rosa Chávez affirmed that there are “clear signs of destabilization efforts against the government of the FMLN.”
The campaign launched on social media is known as Mano Negra, or Black Hand, a name reminiscent of the infamous 1970s death squad, Mano Blanca (White Hand). "This is a movement for a coup d'état," said FMLN’s Chicas, against "a government of the people, a legal government, a legitimate government that fights every day for the interests of the population."
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