3 Boston events with Miguel Rivera - October 24/25


Public events in Boston for Stop the Suits! East Coast tour:
Sunday, Oct. 24
7pm: Community Reception
Consulate of El Salvador
143 Border St, East Boston
Cosponsored by ISEDUC

Monday, Oct. 25
Anti-Mining Action & Event - Harvard Square
4:15pm: Delegation and action at TIFF, a Pacific Rim shareholder
95 Mt. Auburn St, Cambridge

5:30-7pm: Public event at Philip Brooks House, Harvard
Northwest corner of Harvard Yard
Cosponsored by Mass. Jobs with Justice

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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