CISPES at the SOA! November 16-18
Please Join CISPES and the LASC for a series of workshops at the School of the Americas protest! For more information about the the weekend vigil go the SOA Watch Website
Threading it Together:
Movement Building in the U.S. and El Salvador
Friday November 16
Room CC 211
a popular education-style workshop about tactics, strategies and visions within the social justice movement in El Salvador and the solidarity movement within the United States
What are we working towards in our communities and countries, and how can we help each other?
How are the contexts different and therefore our strategies different?
Where do our movements need a makeover and why?
What has been the history of our movements, how can we honor that legacy and build upon it?
Brought to you by the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Latin America Solidarity Coalition (LASC) workshop: the ILEA & Increased Militarization in the Americas
7:45 -9:00 pm
CC 207
The ILEA & Increased Militarization in the Americas will focus on the current state of U.S. military presence in Latin America and the growing movement to eliminate that presence. We will look at the new ILEA, a police training school, operated by the U.S. and located in El Salvador. This school serves the same mission as the SOA; building up repressive forces to maintain U.S. domination and the status quo for the elites
We will also look at the movement against U.S. operated military bases in LA. We will have a report back from the recent No More Bases conference in Ecuador, as well as look at strategies for reducing or eliminating U.S.
military bases in the region.
Finally, we will examine the National Endowment for Democracy and look at its record of interference in the political life of LA. Operating as a front for the U.S. government, the NED affects elections by providing funds, as well as by serving as a voice for U.S. interests. The LASC maintains a working group on the NED.
Conversation about Elections – Guatemala (2007) and El Salvador (2009)
In parts of Central America, election season can be a time of high tensions, deception, and violations of human rights. Come share a meal and talk with us about the recent elections in Guatemala and the elections that are on the horizon in El Salvador.
Saturday, November 17, 1pm
Lee’s Golden China Restaurant
412 13th St. (near the Howard Johnson Hotel)
Presented by: Guatemala Human Rights Commission (GHRC), Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, and the SHARE Foundation: Building a New El Salvador Today