Recently on the El Salvador 2014 Elections Blog: Reflections on Round 1, Preparations for Round 2


The following are selections from the El Salvador 2014 Elections Blog: News and International Observer Reports from El Salvador's 2014 Presidential Election. For previously posted and ongoing elections coverage, visit the blog here

  • ARENA and Allies Turn to Red-Baiting and Threats: With the leftist FMLN party soaring in the polls as the March 9th presidential runoff election rapidly approaches, right-wing opposition party ARENA and its allies have been amping up their red-baiting scare tactics...
  • El Salvador: A new democratic norm?: This post from US-El Salvador Sister Cities was taken from Oxfam’s Politics of Poverty blog, and contains reflections by Oxfam’s Adam Olson who observed the February 2nd elections with Sister cities…
  • Elections Analysis from US-El Salvador Sister Cities: The weeks leading up to the first round of elections here were intense, full of last minute campaigning and fresh waves of fear spurred by the spiking crime and murder rate in the New Year. To hear ARENA tell it, the crime wave was just another example of the FMLN and current president Mauricio Funes’ soft stance on crime…

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