New York, Nov. 11: "Unidos para 2009: Democracy in El Salvador"
Just how hard is the U.S.government working to prevent ElSalvador from going left?
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: NACLA
38 GreeneSt. 4th Floor
New York,NY
Contact Info
Phone: (917) 214 3479
Email: [email protected]
Join CISPES in kicking off the campaign to Defend theRight to Free and Fair Elections in El Salvador! Come to a discussionof the democratic forces at work in the transformation of LatinAmerica.
Panel Discussion with:
Claudia de Cuellar, former City Councilwoman, Ayutuxtepeque,El Salvador
JaimeHerrida, Vice-Consul, Consulate of Nicaragua, New York(invited)
Greg Wilpert, Journalist and Author,
- Just how hard the USgovernment is working to prevent El Salvador from going left
- Impact of elections across LatinAmerica
- The next big elections in LatinAmerica
El Salvador 2009!
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
NY CISPES P.O.Box 250762 NY, NY10025 (917) 214 3479 [email protected]