Action Alert: Stand up for Democracy & Sovereignty in Venezuela!


Tell the US to Recognize the Legitimate Presidency of Maduro in Venezuela! John Kerry, Latin America is NOT the  United States Government's "Backyard" In the name of REAL democracy and national sovereignty, we denounce the position of the United States government, currently standing in complete political isolation in its belligerent refusal to recognize the legitimate presidency of Nicolás Maduro, member of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), and the democratically-elected head of state following the untimely death of President Hugo Chávez. Click here!!! Take action today and demand that the US government recognize President Maduro! Thanks to SOA Watch for the action text. Latin American nations spanning the political spectrum - from Mexico to Colombia to Cuba -  and nations around the globe have congratulated the Venezuelan people on exercising their political voice in the April 14 democratic election of President Nicolás Maduro,  sworn in last Friday, April 19. The Obama Administration is THE ONLY COUNTRY to continue to question the April 14 election results. Venezuela's electoral system has been lauded by former president Jimmy Carter as "the best in the world". The current baseless US position has created the political space for Venezuela's right-wing to protest the election results, led by opposition candidate Henrique Capriles, which resulted in violent attacks around the country and the tragic deaths of 9 civilians and dozens more injured. The Obama Administration's refusal to recognize President Maduro is a clear attempt to undermine the Venezuelan people's right to choose their president, for the simple reason that Maduro, like Chávez, will not allow the United States to dictate Venezuela's economic, political and social agenda. US Secretary of State John Kerry revealed as much is his recent comments when he referred to Latin America as the "backyard" of the United States. This reprehensible and aggressive posture is the very same rationale behind the interventionist US policies that funded the death squads, dictatorships and military regimes that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people throughout Latin America in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile and many other countries. This continuation of US political intervention in elections in Latin America is significant, given the upcoming elections in Honduras and El Salvador. It's clear the United States government does not respect the will of the peoples of Latin America and that the role of international solidarity to defend the right to self-determination remains an important battle. More background on the US position and Venezuela's elections here: Right-Wing Post-Electoral Violence Leaves 7 Dead In Venezuela, Arena Legislator Implicated In Destabilization The United States Shows its Contempt for Venezuelan Democracy  More stories on

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