STILL the Source for March 9 Elections News


One of CISPES’ primary objectives during our observer delegation for the March 9th runoff election was to generate quality, in-depth media coverage of the elections in the US and El Salvador. In addition to publishing breaking news to the ongoing elections blog - which is still the best source for breaking English-language elections news - CISPES observers and staff contributed to a dozen different articles, news segments and interviews during and after the election.  English language:

  • The North American Congress on Latin America ran a pre-elections piece juxtaposing both candidates and their proposals written by Cecca Ochoa from NY CISPES.
  • Professor Héctor Perla from University of California Santa Cruz, a longtime CISPES supporter, wrote an analysis of ARENA’s response to the elections response for the Council On Hemispheric Affairs.
    CISPES Statement on Hector Perla and Sexual/Gender Violence in our Movement
  • Upside Down World published this article by Alexis Stoumbelis, CISPES Executive Director, on the tense few days after the election and why ARENA would declare themselves the victors before the results were announced
  • Democracy Now! hosted a short segment on El Salvador the day after the elections featuring Laura Embree-Lowry, CISPES Program Director-elect, denouncing ARENA’s strategy to declare victory before the election results were finalized.
  • CISPES observers wrote this firsthand account  of the first large ARENA rally on March 11th calling for a vote-by-vote recount outside the TSE.
  •  Cherrene Horazuk, former CISPES Executive Director, writes a comprehensive elections analysis piece warning of the perils of persistent right-wing destabilization efforts in The Center for Research on Globalization
  • The North American Congress on Latin America interviewed Richard Hobbs, immigration attorney and CISPES observer, about ARENA’s calls of fraud and the broader right-wing smear campaign.
  • The Nation and Foreign Policy in Focus jointly published an article by Madeleine Conway from Santa Cruz CISPES stressing the historical significance of these elections and the impact US privatizing efforts are having on Salvadoran politics.
  • Alexis Stoumbelis was quoted in this Washington Post article validating El Salvador’s election results and pointing to a regional trend of electing former guerrillas as leftist heads of state in Latin America.
  • Free Speech Radio News interviewed Alexis Stoumbelis about El Salvador’s close election and how this may pose difficulties for the incoming Sánchez Cerén government.
  • Mark Sullivan of the National Lawyers Guild, joined both CISPES observer delegations this year, and wrote this piece for Alternet after the second round.

Spanish language:

  • David Grosser, longtime CISPES activist, was interviewed in Contrapunto on improvements to the electoral system in the decades since he’s been observing elections in El Salvador and how the US should take a page out of El Salvador's book.
  • Two CISPES observers, Jessica Fisher and Luis Elker-Alfaro, are interview on El Espacio radio about the contested elections results, and how institutionality in El Salvador should be respected. Click here for photos and here to listen to the audio.

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