Articles on US Intervention in 2004, 2009 Salvadoran Presidential Elections


From 2008:

U.S. Has Central America�s Northern Triangle in Its Sights:

State Department official announces crime-fighting funds for El Salvador, slanders FMLN party

EUA reitera que no pretende influir en la elecci�n 2009:

Amenaza a libre prensa y caso FARC preocupan a EUA:

EEUU asegura que un gobierno que tenga relaci�n con las FARC es problem�tico

this is a section from the Upsidedownworld link:

�In El Salvador, he expressed concern over supposed ties between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas and the Farabundo Mart� National Liberation Front (FMLN), the former insurgent group that is now the main opposition party in El Salvador and which stands a good chance of winning the presidential elections in 2009, as indicated by opinion polls.

Negroponte based that assertion, made in statements to the local press, on the laptops seized by the Colombian military at the FARC rebel camp that was bombed by Colombia on March 1 in Ecuador.

FMLN spokesman Deputy Sigfrido Reyes refuted Negroponte's allegation, which he said was part of a "dirty war strategy" spurred by the governing rightwing Nationalist Republican Alliance's (ARENA) fears of losing the 2009 elections.

The laptops that reportedly belonged to the FARC have also been used by the Colombian and U.S. governments to accuse leftwing presidents Hugo Ch�vez of Venezuela and Rafael Correa of Ecuador of links to the Colombian insurgents.


Articles in the Salvadoran mainstream press highlighting U.S. intervention in 2004 presidential elections. Election day was March 21, 2004.

FEBRUARY 7, 2004 - Noriega pide tomar la mejor decisi�n; Diferencias con FMLN:

FEBRUARY 7, 2004 - Congreso de E.U.A. agitado por elecciones en El Salvador:

MARCH 14, 2004 - Ante posible gobierno FMLN; Crece desconfianza:

MARCH 14, 2004 - Hombre de confianza de Bush veta a FMLN:

MARCH 18, 2004 - Control a remesas; Congresista advierte por el FMLN:

MARCH 20, 2004 - Ejecutivo preocupado por el futuro de las remesas:

MARCH 20, 2004 - Corren grave peligro las remesas de EE.UU.:

Inquietud por amenaza de expulsi�n de salvadore�os:

Amenazan con cancelar TPS si se elige a Handal:

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