2014 Elections Observation Mission to El Salvador!


Join CISPES this winter to defend democracy and hope in El Salvador this year as an Election Observer!

Apply today! Respond to the urgent call for international observers made by the organized Left in El Salvador to support free and fair elections in 2014. Dates: January 25 – February 5, 2014 Application Deadline: November 30, 2013 Cost: $800 + airfare No Spanish language skills necessary (translation provided) DOWNLOAD AN APPLICATION HERE! DOWNLOAD A DELEGATION FLYER HERE! READ MORE ABOUT THE DELEGATION HERE!

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El Salvador is a beacon of hope that another world is possible.

Under El Salvador's first left government, in power since June 2009, social spending has increased *5-fold* from the previous administration. These funds have been directed to the poorest, most-historically ignored populations and used to dramatically expand health care and education programs, among others. The FMLN-Funes administration increased public workers' minimum wage, recognized dozens of new unions and included domestic workers in the public healthcare system. These changes stand in stark contrast to the corporate interests that many Obama policies have continued to serve at the expense of student, worker and immigrant labor populations in the US.

Public school students receiving free uniforms and shoes from the Salvadoran government as part of the “School Packet” program begun in 2009 to expand access to education. Photo: Ministry of Education. Public school students receiving free uniforms and shoes from the Salvadoran government as part of the “School Packet” program begun in 2009 to expand access to education. Photo: Ministry of Education.

This year is a crucial year for solidarity with Latin America, and especially El Salvador. Presidential elections are slated for February, and not surprisingly, the left FMLN candidate is leading the polls. The US has actively attempted to deliver the presidency to the Salvadoran right in every election that the FMLN has stood a chance of winning -  2014 will be no exception given what happened in 2009 and 2004.

Just 5 days before the March 2009 elections, CISPES and the international solidarity movement successfully mobilized a rapid grassroots response to confront last-minute attempts by US Congressmen to yet again deliver the presidency to the right wing ARENA party. Tight coordination between the solidarity community and the movements for justice in El Salvador allowed democracy to rule the elections, rather than US threats and fear, which resulted in the first left president in the country's history. Peaceful, democratic, REAL change is possible! Join us again, this year, as we unite with El Salvador's 99% to continue to support democracy, self-determination and social justice! 

Lookout for electoral updates on our blog for more detailed information, and follow CISPES on Facebook and Twitter For more information on the delegation, contact [email protected].
¡Adelante, adelante, que la lucha es constante!
Onward, ever onward, for the struggle is continuous!

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