CISPES development director Alexis Stoumbelis talks about the FMLN inauguration




Alexis was one of those of the CISPES delegation to see the first 'leftist' President of El Salvador take the Presidential sash after a clearly won electoral victory over the 20 year right wing corrupt regime. It was a regime, closely allied with the US Republican Party, that was founded by the author of the notorious Death Squads of the 1970s and 1980s.

The FMLN has shown a patience and tolerance above and beyond the call of duty to demonstrate its commitment as a truly democratic party to serve the people. These were people who were its base, and support during a 12 year 'civil war'.

The presence of virtually all the dignitaries of Latin America, as well as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a tribute to that expression of popular support. Probably not much said in the mainstream 'anglo media', but to Salvadorans, and Latin America in general it was a 'date with history'.

The Americas are changing, and Alexis gives us an eyewitness account of the significance of this event in San Salvador. Not only for the dignitaries, but for the people who came to the stadium to support this initiative for a long awaited change.

Musical bands who were for many years 'illegal' arrived to pay a Latin American tribute to this 'date with history', when the popular new President arrived to address his supporters at the stadium, before the formal cocktail parties of the evening with foreign dignatories.

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"Apoyo a CISPES porque continuar la lucha para la justicia social y un pais enfocado en el pueblo significa continuar el sueno y sacrificio de miles de mis compatriotas Salvadoreñas que dieron su vida por esta visión. - Padre Carlos, New York City

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