Week of January 12-18: Action to Defend Free and Fair Elections


CISPES will hold a National Week of Action as part of our campaign to defend democracy and stop U.S. intervention in the municipal, legislative, and presidential elections of 2009.

The week of action will be from January 12-18 (The municipal and legislative elections in El Salvador take place on the 18th). Weve chosen this week and weekend for actions because it is right before elections take place this means that we will need to raise awareness to defend a victory or denounce fraud and/or US intervention.  CISPES committees around the U.S. as well as other allied organizations will hold public actions at some point during that week.  For more information contact [email protected].

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"Apoyo a CISPES porque continuar la lucha para la justicia social y un pais enfocado en el pueblo significa continuar el sueno y sacrificio de miles de mis compatriotas Salvadoreñas que dieron su vida por esta visión. - Padre Carlos, New York City