Release: U.S. activists to attend historic June 1 presidential inauguration



May 28, 2009 - Contact CISPES: 202 521-2510, [email protected]

U.S. solidarity activists, Salvadoran-Americans to attend historic June 1 presidential inauguration in El Salvador

Mauricio Funes, first leftist president in nation's history, to be inaugurated with foreign heads of state, Secretary of State Clinton in attendance

Attendees available for interviews from El Salvador on inauguration day

WASHINGTON, D.C. � Several members of CISPES � Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador � will be in attendance for the inauguration of El Salvador's first-ever leftist president, Mauricio Funes, on Monday, June 1st. These representatives, including Salvadoran-American community leaders, will be available for interviews in both English and Spanish on inauguration day and in the following days.

Funes' March 15 election highlights the leftward political shift witnessed throughout Latin America in recent years, and marks the rise of the Farabundo Mart� National Liberation Front (FMLN) to win executive power in El Salvador for the first time. The former guerrilla group became an official political party after signing a peace treaty with the U.S.-backed Salvadoran government in 1992, ending 12 years of civil war.


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