Take Action: Stop Harmful U.S. Funding in Central America

Action Alert

Join our National Call-In Day!

Congress is putting together next year's budget - and contemplating a $4 billion proposal from President Biden to supposedly address the root causes of migration from Central America.

Without strong collective action, this will mean MORE money for militarization and economic policies that will continue to displace people from their lands and communities.

Join Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), School of the Americas Watch, Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective, Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) - Los Angeles, Network in Solidarity with Guatemala (NISGUA), Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), and Sisters of Mercy - Justice Team, Denver Justice and Peace Committee (DJPC), Friendship Office of the Americas, Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, Pax Christi USA, Migrant Roots Media,  Witness at the Border, BAYAN-USA, SHARE Foundation, and others to say YA BASTA//NO MORE!

Click here to a phone call (or send an email) to your Congressional representative as part of a national phone zap to pressure Congress to:

1) End U.S. police and military assistance in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala

2) End U.S. "development" policies that promote climate change, privatize natural resources and public services, violate workers' rights and destroy Indigenous and communal lands

We'll make it as EASY as possible to add your voice - just click here to visit our action page!

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